Interview Preparation

The gateway to securing a job is through the interview. 面试有几种类型:电话面试、视频面试和面对面面试. 根据你申请的职位,在面试过程中你可能会涉及到不止一种. 为所有类型的面试做好准备是很重要的,尤其是面对面的面试.

电话电话面试需要和面对面面试一样多的准备工作. 对公司做一些调查,准备一些常见面试问题的答案是很重要的. 电话面试通常用于缩小候选人范围,并决定是否进行面对面的面试. For all interview formats, 通过模拟面试来练习你的回答和表现是很重要的. When on a phone interview be sure to do the following:

  • 检查你周围的环境,确保你在一个安静的地方.
  • Ensure that your phone is fully charged.
  • Wherever possible, use a landline. 如果不是, 确保你进行面试的地方有足够的手机服务.
  • 使用耳机 with a microphone, if using a mobile device.

Video在过去的几年里,视频面试变得越来越流行. In preparation, 确保您的帐户具有最常用的模式, which include Skype, 变焦, Microsoft Teams and Google Hangouts. 像对待面对面面试一样对待视频面试是很重要的.

  • Dress professionally.
  • 提前登录正在使用的平台,以确保您能够正确登录.
  • Check your audio and video settings ahead of time.
  • 确保你的电脑插上电源,有足够的网络覆盖. 使用耳机.
  • 确保你在一个安静的地方,你将要坐的地方的背景是吸引人的, but not distracting.
  • During the interview, when answering questions, 尽量往镜头里看,而不是盯着屏幕上的人. 这有助于你看起来是在直视别人,而不是低头看着屏幕.

General Interview Guidelines

Before the interview

Document your experiences

  • Make a list of all your professional accomplishments
  • Include volunteer experiences, extra-curricular activities
  • 记下日期、地点,并简要描述你做了什么,你是如何做的,以及最终结果
  • 研究这张清单,想出一个简短的方式来表达每一次经历
  • 准备好在面试中用它们作为例子来回答问题

研究 the industry, company, and job description

  • 利用网络资源或图书馆来了解公司:它的使命, 愿景, number of employees, locations etc. Is there any significant news about them? Any major changes? Major challenges? The names of directors, managers, CEOs, owners
  • Talk to current employees if you can
  • Study the job description. Be prepared to talk about how you meet the requirements

Do a mock interview

  • 复习常见的面试问题,准备/练习答案
  • 自己大声练习你的答案,并征求别人的反馈
  • Prepare questions to ask the employer

Create a list of references

  • 确定专业推荐人(前雇主,同事)
  • 联系你的推荐人,让他们知道你在申请工作. 询问他们是否可以给你提供正面的推荐信,如果可以的话, can you list them on your applications. Let them know what kind of positions you are applying for. You may even send them copies of the job descriptions.

Find out the date, time, and place of the interview

  • Make sure you know exactly where the interview is located
  • 如果面试的领域是你不熟悉的, 试着提前一天去看看,这样你就知道你要去哪里了
  • 一定要事先知道面试官的全名(问问和你联系的人,你到了之后应该找谁)
  • 准备好你的时间表,这样你就能提前10-15分钟到达. 考虑交通、公交时刻表和其他可能的延误

Prepare your attire (Face-to-face)

  • Make sure your clothes fit properly
  • 男女:深色套装(上下配套)可接受颜色:黑色, 灰色, 深棕色, 海军
  • 女性也可以穿深色的裙子/裤子和正式的衬衫
  • 男士也可以穿深色裤子,系有纽扣的普通长袖衬衫,打领带
  • 女士:避免短裙、紧身衣服和低胸衬衫. Wear minimal jewelry (studs or small hoops, plain necklace, no more than one ring and/or bracelet); minimal, 自然的妆容(大地色调)——避免使用鲜艳的眼线笔, 口红, and nail polish); conservative hairstyle (avoid bright hair colors and flashy hairstyles). 穿保守的鞋子,纯色的——黑色或棕色都行. (Avoid heels that are too high). 注意:这是传统工作面试的标准着装. 也有例外情况,这取决于你申请的职位. 例如, 有些职位可能需要你在面试着装上展示你的时尚感和创造力. 重要的是要注意,这些建议可以让面试官把注意力集中在重要的事情上——你对问题的回答,而不是其他. This form of dress typically works to removes distractions.
  • Avoid perfume.
  • Men: clean and conservative shoes

During the Interview (face-to-face)

  • 带上你的简历、求职信和推荐信的复印件(在简历纸上)!)
  • Bring something to write with and write on. You and write down your questions to ask on a notepad.
  • Smile and have a good handshake.
  • Turn your cell phone completely off
  • 在你走进面试室或开始面试前,准备好和别人闲聊. (Look around the room for interesting things to talk about)
  • Make eye contact
  • Be aware of your posture. Sit up straight. Sit forward a little in the chair to prevent slouching. (Women, cross your legs at the ankles).
  • Be aware of your body language. Maintain eye contact at all times. 小心大手动作,坐立不安,脚抖/轻拍等.
  • Speak clearly and confidently. Be aware of your volume.
  • 仔细听,以便问题得到恰当的回答
  • Do not chew gum.
  • 回答问题时,尽量积极地谈论你过去的经历和雇主.
  • Be positive and upbeat.
  • Always ask questions. 准备至少三个关于工作或公司的问题来问雇主.
  • Use Standard English.
  • 给 detailed answers with examples. Use the STAR method to formulate your answers: 1. Situation or Task that you were involved in, 2. Explain your role or what Action you took, 3. Talk about the Results you achieved.
  • 问问题! Prepare questions to ask ahead of time. 问题应该来自于你的研究和对职位描述的仔细回顾. Refrain from asking surface or obvious questions. 这是你了解这个职位或公司是否适合你的机会. 

After the Interview

  • Find out about the next steps in the interview process
  • 准备好面试中每个人的名片(联系方式)
  • Say thank you. 在面试后的24-48小时内,给每一位面试者发一封感谢信/电子邮件/手写卡片. (See the Sample Thank You Letter in this packet).
  • 如果面试官说他们会联系你的时间过了,可以打电话或发邮件跟进

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